Vanya Padmanabhan is an art director and digital designer living and working in New York City. She holds a B.S. in Industrial Design. She also has an eponymous jewelry brand.

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Website Design, Art Direction, Product Photography
Website Design, Front-End Development, Art Direction, Event Production
Art Direction, Product Photography, Marketing
Website Design, Front-End Development
Website Design, Front-End Development
Website Design
Jewelry Design, Art Direction, Branding, Product Photography

In Spring of 2021, Al Fresco: Resilience in New York City was first conceived by Standard Issue in response to New York City’s Open Streets Policy. Featuring hundreds of photos of outdoor dining structures and ad hoc public design that was born from Covid-19 regulations, the limited print run publication was then translated into a website to be more easily shared.

Hand-coded in HTML and CSS, the website also featured with more elaborate jQuery functions for some "automation" of the overall data-entry and dynamic "branded" animations. Designed in collaboration with Tim Zarras.