Website Design, Front-End Development
Website Design, Front-End Development
Website Design

The rite house was created to observe and recognize new collective rituals that developed over the course of 2020.
In response to Covid-19 and mandated lockdowns, many of us developed rituals, both small and big, to create structure and order. These rituals helped get us through each day and kept us looking forward to the next. Unknowingly, many of us adopted very similar practices and behaviors as coping mechanisms.
I wanted to showcase these rituals, so I built the rite house—part research experiment, part journal, part tribute to my loved ones. The website was hand-coded with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Each ritual was submitted by a dear friend (through voice note, text, Instagram, or FaceTime) and populates the house and the screen only during the time it is being performed. New visitors have the ability to add themselves into the rotation through this Submission Form (and I encourage anyone reading this to add their own special routines to the site).
The project was developed as part of Fruitful School’s Fall 2020 Workshop, taught by Laurel Schwulst and John Provencher.
{reader, for additional information}
-- How Rituals and Focus Can Turn Isolation Into a Time for Growth, WSJ
-- The Psychology of Rituals: An Integrative Review and Process-Based Framework, Berkely
-- The Restorative Power of Ritual, HBR
In response to Covid-19 and mandated lockdowns, many of us developed rituals, both small and big, to create structure and order. These rituals helped get us through each day and kept us looking forward to the next. Unknowingly, many of us adopted very similar practices and behaviors as coping mechanisms.
I wanted to showcase these rituals, so I built the rite house—part research experiment, part journal, part tribute to my loved ones. The website was hand-coded with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Each ritual was submitted by a dear friend (through voice note, text, Instagram, or FaceTime) and populates the house and the screen only during the time it is being performed. New visitors have the ability to add themselves into the rotation through this Submission Form (and I encourage anyone reading this to add their own special routines to the site).
The project was developed as part of Fruitful School’s Fall 2020 Workshop, taught by Laurel Schwulst and John Provencher.
{reader, for additional information}
-- How Rituals and Focus Can Turn Isolation Into a Time for Growth, WSJ
-- The Psychology of Rituals: An Integrative Review and Process-Based Framework, Berkely
-- The Restorative Power of Ritual, HBR